The modes of a system will not always be orthogonal because some of the signal leaks out of the system. Let's use the Potapov analysis for a specific example to determine when the orthogonality approximation can be made.
The example used here is example 3 in our code, which corresponds to figure 7 in our paper. This example is formed by two inter-linked cavities with two inputs and outputs.
In the notebook "Bi-orthogonality testing" we show how this issue can be avoided using a bi-orthogonal basis.
In [2]:
import Potapov_Code.Roots as Roots
import Potapov_Code.Potapov as Potapov
import Potapov_Code.Time_Delay_Network as Time_Delay_Network
import Potapov_Code.Time_Sims as Time_Sims
import Potapov_Code.functions as functions
import Potapov_Code.tests as tests
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%pylab inline
In [3]:
def contour_plot(Mat):
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
cax = ax.matshow(abs(Mat), interpolation='nearest')
In [4]:
def run_example3(r1 = 0.9,r2=0.4, r3 = 0.9):
Ex = Time_Delay_Network.Example3(r1=r1,r2=r2,r3=r3,max_freq=50.,max_linewidth=35.)
Ex.run_Potapov(commensurate_roots = True)
E = Ex.E
roots = Ex.roots
M1 = Ex.M1
delays = Ex.delays
modes = functions.spatial_modes(roots,M1,E)
Mat = functions.make_normalized_inner_product_matrix(roots,modes,delays)
#for root,mode in zip(roots,modes):
# print root,mode
return Mat
In [5]:
M = np.matrix([[1,1],[2,2]])
In [6]:
def off_diagonal_error(M):
err = 0.
if M.shape[0] != M.shape[1]:
print "Not a square matrix!"
return 0.
length = M.shape[0]
for i in range(length):
for j in range(length):
if i != j:
err += abs(M[i,j])**2
return np.sqrt(err) / (length*(length - 1))
In [7]:
rs = [.01,0.05,.1,.2,.3,.4,.5,.6,.7,.8,.9,.95,.99,.999]
In [8]:
Ms = {}
for r in rs:
Ms[r] = run_example3(r1=r,r3=r)
In [9]:
for r in rs:
In [10]:
err = {}
for r in rs:
err[r] = off_diagonal_error(Ms[r])
In [11]:
plt.figure(figsize = (12,6))
plt.plot(rs,[err[r] for r in rs],label='r1 and r3, with fixed r2 = 0.4')
plt.xlabel('Reflectivities',{'fontsize': 24})
plt.title('Normalized non-orthogonality error',{'fontsize': 24})
plt.ylabel('Error',{'fontsize': 24})
plt.yticks( size=20)
plt.xticks( size=20)
plt.legend(loc='lower left',fontsize=20)
In [12]:
Ms0 = {}
for r in rs:
Ms0[r] = run_example3(r1=r,r3=1.)
In [13]:
for r in rs:
In [14]:
err0 = {}
for r in rs:
err0[r] = off_diagonal_error(Ms0[r])
In [15]:
plt.figure(figsize = (12,6))
plt.plot(rs,[err0[r] for r in rs])
plt.xlabel('Input-output r1',{'fontsize': 24})
plt.title('Normalized non-orthogonality error',{'fontsize': 24})
plt.ylabel('Error',{'fontsize': 24})
plt.yticks( size=20)
plt.xticks( size=20)
In [16]:
Ms2 = {}
for r in rs:
Ms2[r] = run_example3(r1=.9,r2 = r,r3=.9)
In [17]:
for r in rs:
In [18]:
err2 = {}
for r in rs:
err2[r] = off_diagonal_error(Ms2[r])
In [19]:
plt.figure(figsize = (12,6))
plt.plot(rs,[err2[r] for r in rs])
plt.xlabel('Internal Reflectivity',{'fontsize': 24})
plt.title('Normalized non-orthogonality error',{'fontsize': 24})
plt.ylabel('Error',{'fontsize': 24})
plt.yticks( size=20)
plt.xticks( size=20)
In [20]:
plt.figure(figsize = (12,6))
plt.plot(rs,[err0[r] for r in rs],label='varied r1, with fixed r2 = 0.4 and r3 = 1')
plt.plot(rs,[err[r] for r in rs],label='varied r1 and r3, with fixed r2 = 0.4')
plt.plot(rs,[err2[r] for r in rs],label='varied r2, with fixed r1 = r3 = 0.9')
plt.xlabel('Reflectivities',{'fontsize': 24})
plt.title('Normalized non-orthogonality error',{'fontsize': 24})
plt.ylabel('Error',{'fontsize': 24})
plt.yticks( size=20)
plt.xticks( size=20)
plt.legend(loc='lower center',fontsize=20)